
Staff Application Form

  • Camp Staff Application

    CGI welcomes all staff applications. Please keep in mind that we receive more applications than positions available. Each application will be reviewed and considered. We will be choosing our staff based on their qualifications and suitability for our program.

    Before applying for any position, please ascertain that you will be available throughout the entire camp session and for ALL staff orientation and training.

    A mandatory staff orientation and training will be held during the week leading up to camp. This is in addition to online precamp training. All staff members must attend all training.

    Counselor positions in the camp are available to staff members who have completed 10th grade or older.

    Limited Junior Counselor and CIT positions are available to local teens who have completed 9th grade or older and have experience with, and a liking for, working with young children.

    Please fill out ALL relevant information to the best of your ability. By answering the questions on this form, you will assist in our decision making. Incomplete applications may not be reviewed or accepted. All complete applications will undergo a careful review process, including reference checks. 

    For help filling out this form or any other staff inquiries please contact Rabbi Mendy Wilschanski at 917-406-6826 or email [email protected]

    Thank you.

  • Past Work History

    Provide a record of recent camp work history (paid and volunteer). Include all information including dates, camp, position and names and contact info. of supervisor. Or write NA if this is your first summer work experience. 

  •  References:

    Give names and contact information of at least two people (not relatives) having knowledge of your character, experience, work habits and ability (preferably in a camp setting). 

  • Questions About Yourself:

  • Camp program Skills

    Some of your hobbies and skills can add a special touch and help in our camp setting. Please let us know some of those things you like to do: 

  • Camp Support Skills

    Check off  all those items you hold certification that will be current through August 2021. 

  • Legalities

    Harassment - The camp's policy is to prohibit all forms of harassment by our employees. This includes sexual, racial, religious, and all other forms of harassment. 

    Have you ever been accused of harassment of any person including, but not limited to, workplace harassment? (Note: a prior accusation or conviction is not an automatic bar to employment. The type of conviction or accusation and when it occurred will be evaluated by the camp before any decision is made.) 

  • Criminal Record - Have you ever been convicted of a crime, other than a minor traffic offense? If yes, please describe. (Note: a prior conviction is not an automatic bar to employment. The type of conviction and when it occurred will be evaluated by the camp before any decision is made.)

  • Authorization to Invest

    I authorize investigation of all statements herein, including any checks of criminal records, and release the camp and all others from liability in connection with same. I understand that, if employed, I will be an at-will employee unless there is an agreement or law which alters that status. Furthermore, I understand that any agreement must be in writing and signed by the designated camp official. I also understand that untrue, misleading, or omitted information herein or in other documents completed by the applicant may result in dismissal, regardless of the time of discovery by the camp.

  • Pick a Date
  • Thank you for your interest in being part of the Camp Gan Israel summer experience. We appreciate the time you took to fill out this form. We will review your application and contact you shortly.

    Much success,

    Rabbi Mendy Wilschanski

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