
2025 Camp Gan Israel Registration


    Please allow yourself a minimum of 15 minutes to complete your registration.

  • Parent 1

  • Parent 2


  • CHILD 1

  • Child 1 Details

  • Child 1 Medical

  • Child 1: Getting to know your child!

  • Child 1 Registration Details

  • CHILD 2

  • Child 2 Details

  • Child 2 Medical

  • Child 2: Getting to know your child!

  • Child 2 Registration Details

  • CHILD 3

  • Child 3 Details

  • Child 3 Medical

  • Child 3: Getting to know your child!

  • Child 3 Registration Details

  • CHILD 4

  • Child 4 Details

  • Child 4 Medical

  • Child 4: Getting to know your child!

  • Child 4 Registration Details


  • Please specify individuals (other than the parents/guardians) authorized to pick up your child/ren from Camp Gan Israel


  • Emergency Contact should be local, and other than parents/guardians



    I hereby give consent to the administration of Camp Gan Israel to take whatever medical measures they deem necessary, at my expense, for my child in the event of a medical emergency. I understand that, when possible, every effort will be made to contact parent/guardian or emergency contact before Camp Gan Israel will undertake such a decision. 

  • Pick a Date

  • CAMP GAN ISRAEL SWAG (optional)

  • Camp Gan Israel T-Shirts

  • Each camper is provided a complementary camp t-shirt as part of their registration. We're glad to offer the opportunity to purchase additional t-shirts for purchase, at $10/per t-shirt.

  • Embroidered Camp Gan Israel Baseball Cap


  • Early and After Care will be offered according to demand. We will follow up with interested families.


  • We are grateful to parents wishing to be involved in Camp Gan Israel with our different volunteers opportunities!


  • Cong. Sha'arei Israel Members: Platinum, Gold & Silver: Members of Cong. Sha'arei Israel in good standing receive a 10% Membership Discount on their core camp tuition (not including registration fees)

    Early Bird Special: Register by March 3 and receive a $15 per week, per child, discount on your core tuition!

    Full Session Discount: Sign up for the full 4 weeks at Camp Gan Israel and receive a $100 discount for each child.

    Additional Child Discount: Families registering more than one child for Camp Gan Israel are eligible for a 5% discount per child, for each additional child.

    Referred New Family Discount: If you refer a new family to Camp Gan Israel both you and the referred family will receive a $50 discount on your tuition.


  • Camp Gan Israel Early Bird Registration Rates:

    Our Early Bird Discounted Rate is valid through March 3rd. On March 4th, our rates will revert to the original amount.

    Rising K-4th Grade Early Bird Rate PER CHILD

     $370 per week (total of 4 weeks of camp)

    $1,380 for 4 weeks ($100 discount)

    Rising 5th Grade-8th Grade Early Bird Rate PER CHILD

    $395 per week (total of 4 weeks of camp)

    $1,480 for 4 weeks ($100 discount)

  • Camp Gan Israel Registration

    (following March 3rd)

    Rising K-4th Grade Rates PER CHILD

     $385 per week (total of 4 weeks of camp)

    $1,440 for 4 weeks ($100 discount)

    Rising 5th Grade-8th Grade Rates PER CHILD

    $410 per week (total of 4 weeks of camp)

    $1,540 for 4 weeks ($100 discount)

  • Additional Fees

    REGISTRATION FEE:  A $50.00 non-refundable deposit per camper will be charged upon submission of this form, or otherwise must be brought to our offices within 2 weeks of submission to secure your child's place in Camp Gan Israel. This fee is non-refundable.

    LATE REGISTRATION FEES: Registrations following June 16 will be subject to an additional $50 registration fee, totaling a $100 registration fee per child. This fee is non-refundable.

    SECURITY FEE: The safety and security of your child/ren are of utmost importance to us. A police officer from Raleigh PD (or other local precincts) will be present from 9-4 while camp is in session. There is a $20 security fee per child, per week, which will be added to your final balance.

  • Bon Appétit, Camp Gan Israel! NEW THIS YEAR!

    This year, lunch is included in your tuition and will be happily provided to each camper, each day. There is no additional lunch fee. B'teavon! Bon Appétit 


  • The generosity of our community enables us to offer scholarships to families in need. Scholarships are, however, limited, and are dependent on availability. If your family is in need of financial assistance with camp tuition, please let us know, and we will follow up with you.


  • At Camp Gan Israel, we do our utmost to make this program available at affordable rates and keep tuition to a minimum. There are also families in our community in need of financial assistance, even for these amounts. We offer these family scholarships so their children can have a summer that's safe, Jewish and fun! Because of this, tuition rates do not cover our full camp budget, and we rely on the generosity of those in a position to give to help cover our full running costs. If you find yourself in a position to give and help others please consider one or more of the following sponsorship opportunities.

    All sponsorships are tax deductible


  • The final amount due will be calculated upon submission of this from. After all eligible discounts, promotions and relevant fees are applied, we will send you a final invoice via email.

    The only charges due at this time are:

    1. Registration Fees ($50 per child)
    2. Additional Camp Gan Israel Swag (if added)
    3. Sponsorship opportunities selected
  • Payment Options

  • All payments must be completed by Monday, June 16th

    Credit Card
    Paypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next page.
    Billing Address
  • $0.00
  • Amount due at this time includes: Registration Fees, additional swag (if added), and sponsorship totals ONLY

    Credit Card: Your card will be charged within the next 2-3 business days.

    Cash/Check: Payment must be brought to our offices within 2 weeks of submission to secure your child's place in Camp Gan Israel.

    Reminder: Your final balance will be determined after your registration form has been submitted, and an invoice will be sent with the final amount due.


  • PARENTAL CONSENT:  I hereby give consent for my child to participate in all activities of Camp Gan Israel (CGI) both on and off site, trips, transportation to and from trips etc., unless I advise otherwise in writing.

    LIMITED GUARDIANSHIP APPROVAL: I hereby consent that CGI's directors - Rabbi Menachem M. Wilschanski & Mrs. Brocha S. Wilschanski be granted limited guardianship capabilities with regards to signing waivers on behalf of my child / children for trips specified in this years camp schedule. (I do understand that I may still be asked to fill out waivers, as not all locations accept this consent)

    REFUND POLICY: All balances paid towards camp tuition are fully refundable up to 30 days before camp, (this excludes registration and credit card processing fees). After which 50% is refundable up until the first day of camp. After which, there will be no refunds. 

    DISMISSAL OF CAMPER:  Parent fully understands and agrees that the Camp Gan Israel reserves the right to dismiss, in its sole discretion, any camper whose condition, conduct, influence or behavior is deemed unsatisfactory or detrimental to the best interests of the CGI or fellow campers, or who violates camp rules and regulations.  In the event of dismissal, tuition will be refunded on a pro-rated basis less the $50.00 registration deposit. 

    INDEMNIFY & HOLD HARMLESS: I further release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Jewish Life Center, Chabad of Raleigh-Sha'arei Israel, Camp Gan Israel (CGI) and its officers, servants or assignees from any liability concerning our child’s involvement in CGI and further agree that the use of any premises during the CGI camp day is made at the risk of the registrant.

  • Pick a Date

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